Sunday, May 24, 2020
Golden Eagle Facts
The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a large diurnal bird of prey whose range extends across the Holarctic region (a region that encircles the Arctic and encompasses areas within the Northern Hemisphere such as North America, Europe, northern Africa, and northern Asia). The golden eagle is among the largest birds in North America. They are among the most popular of national emblems of the world (they are the national bird of Albania, Austria, Mexico, Germany, and Kazakhstan). Fast Facts: Golden Eagle Scientific Name: Aquila chrysaetosCommon Name(s): Golden eagleBasic Animal Group: BirdSize: 2.5 to 3 feet tall, a wingspan of 6.2 to 7.4 feet Weight: 7.9 to 14.5 pounds Lifespan: 30 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Mexico through western North America to Alaska with occasional appearances in the east; Asia, northern Africa, and Europe.Population: Global breeding population is 300,000Conservation Status: Least Concern Description Golden eagles have powerful talons and a strong, hooked bill. Their plumage is mostly dark brown. Adults have a shiny, golden swatch of feathers on their crown, ​nape, and sides of their face. They have dark brown eyes and long, broad wings, Their tail is a lighter, grayish brown as are the undersides of their wings. Young golden eagles have white patches located at the base of their tail as well as on their wings. When viewed in profile, golden eagles heads appear relatively small while the tail seems quite long and broad. Their legs are feathered their full length, all the way to their toes. Golden eagles either occur as solitary birds or are found in pairs. Anton Petrus/Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Golden eagles inhabit a wide range that stretches throughout the Northern Hemisphere and includes North America, Europe, northern Africa and the northern parts of Asia. In the United States, they are more common in the western half of the country and are only rarely spotted in the eastern states. Golden eagles prefer open or partially open habitats such as tundra, grasslands, sparse woodlands, scrublands and coniferous forests. They generally inhabit mountainous regions up to 12,000 feet in elevation. They also inhabit canyon lands, cliffs, and bluffs. They nest on cliffs and in rocky outcrops in grasslands, shrublands, and other similar habitats. They avoid urban and suburban areas and do not inhabit dense forests. Golden eagles migrate short to medium distances. Those that breed in the far northerly regions of their range migrate further southward during the winter than those that inhabit lower latitudes. Where climates are milder during the winter, golden eagles are year-round residents. Diet and Behavior Golden eagles feed on a variety of mammal prey such as rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, marmots, pronghorn, coyotes, foxes, deer, mountain goats, and ibex. They are capable of killing large animal prey but usually feed on relatively small mammals. They also eat reptiles, fish, birds or carrion if other prey is scarce. During the breeding season, pairs of golden eagles will hunt cooperatively when pursuing agile prey such as jackrabbits. Golden eagles are agile avian predators that can dive at impressive speeds (as much as 200 miles per hour). They dive not only to catch prey but also in territorial and courtship displays as well as regular flight patterns. Reproduction and Offspring Golden eagles construct nests out of sticks, vegetation and other materials such as bones and antlers. They line their nests with softer materials such as grasses, bark, mosses or leaves. Golden eagles often maintain and reuse their nests over the course of several years. Nests are usually positioned on cliffs but are also sometimes located in trees, on the ground or on high man-made structures (observation towers, nesting platforms, electrical towers). The nests are large and deep, sometimes as much as 6 feet wide and 2 feet high. They lay between 1 and 3 eggs per clutch and eggs incubate for about 45 days. After hatching, young remain in the next for about 81 days. W. Perry Conway/Getty Images Conservation Status There are large and stable populations of golden eagles in multiple locations around the world, and thus the species has a status of Least Concern. Much of the reason for their success is the result of conservation projects to protect both the birds and their habitats. The golden eagle has been a federally protected species since 1962, and several international groups dedicate themselves to the welfare of golden eagles and eagles in general. Bald or Golden Eagle? Juvenile bald eagles look very similar to golden eagles. They are about the same size with a similar wingspan, and, until bald eagles reach about a year of age, they have the same brown feathers covering their entire bodies. Juvenile bald eagles do have mottled underbellies, and they dont shine in the same way that golden eagles doâ€â€but its tough to spot these differences in a bird in flight. Its not until after their first year of life that bald eagles start to show their distinctive areas of white plumage. Because of this similarity, its common for birders (especially in the eastern part of the United States) to believe theyve spotted a golden eagle when theyve actually seen a juvenile (and more common) bald eagle. Sources â€Å"Golden Eagle.† National Geographic, 24 Sept. 2018,â€Å"Golden Eagle.† San Diego Zoo Global Animals and Plants,â€Å"Golden Eagle Demographics.† American Eagle Foundation,â€Å"Is That Golden Eagle Actually a Bald Eagle?† Audubon, 3 July 2018,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Definition and Examples of Primary Verbs in English
The primary verbs in English grammar are the verbs be, have, and doâ€â€all three of which can function as either main verbs or auxiliary verbs. Primary verbs are sometimes referred to as ​primary auxiliaries. The Different Functions of Primary Verbs To BeMargaret is a brilliant student. (lexical verb)Margaret is applying to Yale. (auxiliary verb)To HaveFrank has a good job. (lexical verb)Frank has just returned from a business trip. (auxiliary verb)To DoNana does the crossword puzzle in the Sunday paper. (lexical verb)Nana doesnt go out much anymore. (auxiliary verb) Primary Verbs as Auxiliaries In one of their uses, the primary verbs precede a main, lexical verb. When used in this way, they may be said to be functioning as auxiliary verbs within the clause. This is illustrated in (17): (17a) He is speaking to her now.(17b) I have visited my grandmother every Christmas since I was a child.(17c) You didnt eat your lunch.In simple terms, auxiliary verbs are additional verbs (or helping verbs, as EFL teachers often say). In Modern English, primary be is used as an auxiliary in either the progressive construction, illustrated in (17a), or in the passive construction, illustrated in (18):(18) She was spoken to yesterday.When used as an auxiliary, have appears in perfect constructions, as shown in (19):(19a) He has spoken to her.(19b) He had spoken to her yesterday.When used as an auxiliary, do appears in negative and interrogative constructions:(20a) I didnt speak to her yesterday.(20b) Did you speak to her yesterday? Notice that it is the job of the primary verb to carry the tense inflection for the entire verb phrase (VP), while the main verb conveys the semantic content. Primary Verbs and Modal Verbs Primary and modal verbs do not follow the same grammatical rules. In particular: Primaries have -s forms; modals do not:is has, doesPrimaries have nonfinite forms; modals do not:to be, being, been(David Crystal, Rediscover Grammar, 3rd ed. Pearson Longman, 2003)​ Be as Auxiliary of the Progressive and of the Passive [I]n a sense we can answer the question of how many primary auxiliaries there are with either four or three; the verb be does double duty as the auxiliary of the progressive and the auxiliary of the passive. Since these are quite different functions, and since it is quite easy to distinguish them, it is best to view them as two different primary auxiliaries which have the same form. It is easy to distinguish the two uses. First of all, the progressive be and the passive be are followed by different forms of the verb, ing form (be eating) and part (be eaten), respectively. Second, passive sentences have some particular characteristics: for instance, in a passive sentence you can usually have a by phrase (be eaten by a shark).Functions of DoWe often use the verb do as a stand-in auxiliary, much in the same way as we use primary and modal auxiliaries. Like primary verbs, it can function as an auxiliary or as a principal verb because it has a full verb inflectional paradigm.Do as an auxi liary verb:This! Why, father, what do you mean? This is home! [Porter]Does everybody at the academy dress like that? [Gogol]Do as a lexical verb:But that the most acceptable service of God is doing good to man. [Franklin]Sane people did what their neighbors did so that if any lunatics were at large, one might know and avoid them. [Eliot]The thick iron ferrule is worn down, so it is evident that he has done a great amount of walking with it. [Doyle] Because of the flexibility of this verb (it is also used to form questions, negatives, and for emphasis), it is important to pay close attention to how it is used. When it is used as an auxiliary, like the primary and modal verbs, it will occupy the initial position in the verb phrase, and there will always be a non-finite lexical verb to follow. When it is used as a lexical verb, it may be preceded by an auxiliary verb or simply stand alone. Sources Martin J. Endley, Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar: A Guide for EFL Teachers. Information Age Publishing, 2010 Kersti Bà ¶rjars and Kate Burridge, Introducing English Grammar, 2nd ed. Hodder, 2010 Bernard ODwyer, Modern English Structures: Form, Function, and Position. Broadview Press, 2000
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
American experiences since 1945 Free Essays
string(36) " credit goes to Martin Luther king\." The course is designed to show in details the events that took place in America after the Second World War. That is the things that happened in America after 1945. There are many events that took place. We will write a custom essay sample on American experiences since 1945 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The post war period start from 1945 when Manchukuo province was captured by the Soviet Union and the atomic bombs which were dropped by USA on the mainland of Japan. This essay is going to touch on the cold war ideologies and breakups of made during the time of the war. Also the policies that were made during the cold war time, I will also discuss the events that took place in the 1950s: Politics and Culture, the liberal reforms of 1960s, reason why USA crashed with southern Asia and elaborate on the conservatism and the consensus politics. I will also discuss on the happenings of the 1970’s: Nixon’s politics and achievements and finally, I will also discuss on the 80s events: the cold war, its end and the reasons that led to the fall of the communism. The immediate post war period. The period after 1945(Farber D. , 1994) was a golden time of capitalism in America. In 1946 the council of economic advisors was established. Its roles were to analyze and advice on various policies mostly in development and implementation of domestic and international economic policies. At around 1953 the council for economic advisors had come up with five policies. These were: economic quantitative targets were set. The â€Å"growth model†of economic replaced the â€Å"cyclical model†, full employment budget was drawn, fiscal drag theories were employed, taxation base and flexibility were widened and finally and a low aggregate demand replaced unemployment notion that had persisted. In 1945 there emerged a crash in the course implementation between Edwin Nourse and Leon Keyserkling. Nourse believed that guns were to be dispensed for butter but Keyserling thought that by expanding economic it would promote expenditure without compromising the standards of living. During the inter war period economic depended on massive spending , raw materials control and price controls as well as the draft of 12 million military men with these reforms the quality of the lives of Americans continued to improve(Leslie B. , 1995) Culture Emergence and some Politics of 1940s and 1950s During this period the quality of life was improved through social welfares. As the stock exchange market thrived uninterrupted from 1949 up to 1957 (Hardayal S. , 2001) the great depression status was reversed, the government embarked on social welfares and military industries complex as it was called by Dwight Eisenhower. It involved employing women in industrial places for manufacturing ammunitions. They were also employed in the military service. The war time experience of women working in military services shaped the future career of women. Many women who were in the war went back to their house hold chores. This past experience led to later integration of women in to the working places in America. According to (Halliwell M. , 2007) the 1950s provides an account of the cultures in America. These were fiction, poetry, theatre, television and films performances, music, radio and visual arts. In this period the economic was still not good. For instance, there were about 3,288,000 people who were unemployed the average salary of the working class was 2,992 dollars. This is the period that saw many young people who serve in the war comeback home to pick up their lives start new families and new jobs. With this new phase of experiences, American industries rose up to the challenge of meeting the rising demands of items. Americans began buying things they could not buy during the wartime. 1960s: The Liberal Reforms and Kennedy’s Visions. In 1960 a presidential election was held. This marked the end of Dwight Eisenhower as the president of America. He served his nation for a period of two terms. At this time his vice president was Richard Nixon who had turned his office into a political base. In the elections of 1960s, John F. Kennedy- a democrat was the second one to have the presidential position as a Roman Catholic after a democrat Al smith . At this time the Soviet Union was far a head of America both militarily and economically. At this time Kennedy was young and inexperienced to be trusted with presidency and his victory margin was among the closest ever known in the history of America. This was attributed to his religious stand. It was believed that many Protestants did not vote him (Murray C. , 1994) In 1950’s and 60’s both major political parties in USA were liberal and conservative factions. The Democratic Party had northern and Western liberals and on the other hand was the conservative Southern whites. For two decades the cold war liberalism was not that active and it only peaked in 1964 when Lyndon B. Johnson over Barry Gold water during the election. In 1948, Truman the then president of USA had outlawed desegregation in the armed forces and civil rights were strongly agitated for. These culminated in to the passage of 1964 civil rights act as well as the voting rights act of 1965. During 1960s the relations between white liberals and civil rights leaders intensified. The later accused the former of hindering the progress it was during this time that Kennedy put federal troops to protect the African Americans who were being admitted to the University of Mississippi. In 1962 (Sitkof H. , 2000) f James Meredita and Martin Luther King junior staged a march to Washington in 1966. This emerged to be a very strong movement which was called the black power. The blacks in this movement accused the whites of trying to control the blacks’ agendas. The opponents of the civil rights wanted blacks in America to stop following democratic machines and instead apply the ethnic model. The civil rights movements totally revolutionized the lives of blacks in America. Much of the credit goes to Martin Luther king. You read "American experiences since 1945" in category "Papers" He was the leader of hundreds of Black people. He inspired the blacks greatly especially when he made his’ I have a dream speech’ to the multitude. It was all about racial harmony. This was done on the mail in Washington. In 1902, Kennedy announced that by the end of the 1960s decade USA would send a man on the moon in a spaceship and safety return him to earth alive. This was the height of optimism because at this time its space program was in its infancy stage It was also at this time that president Johnson of America promised his people that he would fight poverty and ensures that the Americans would enjoy descent lives. This promise was actualized when social security fund was increased and as a result millions of Americans received improved health care. This 1960s became the turning point in the history of American. A lot were achieved at this time (Suman K. and Bery G. F. , 1997) 1970s: Outcomes of Vietnam Invasion and Lifestyles Change. During the 1960s period, Richard Nixon in his presidential campaign promised to end the Americans involvement in the war again Vietnam if he was elected in office in 1969. This whole plan was called â€Å"Vietnamization†it meant that the United States would gradually withdraw itself from the Vietnam War and transfer its military duties to the Southern Vietnam. He wanted to reinforce the Eisenhower and Kennedy’s policies of helping the South Vietnamese but things did not go as they were expected. In 1969(Brad R. , 1991) the North Vietnamese communists intensified their attacks and through Laos and Cambodia supply lines. As a result of these events Nixon invaded Cambodia and bombarded Laos. This initially was done secretly but sooner than later it was made public by Nixon who on 1970 April 30 announced on the television that he invaded Cambodia and wanted to recruit some 150,000 new soldiers . This decision was not welcomed by many Americans in fact it provoked many ant-war protests especially from college and campus students. In 1970 on May 4th the National Guard fined shots in to a crowd of demonstration at Kent state university and killed four of them and about nine wounded. This only increased outrage to people who turned against Nixon and Vietnam War. Due to the increased pressure to put the war to an end an end (Goodwin J. , 2001) Nixon ordered the North Vietnam zone to be bombed. This act led to signing of an agreement which led to the termination of the war in March 1973. As America quit the war, it left the southerners to fight the northerners’ American indigence in the war caused it a big harm. About 55,000 American lives perished. Basically American gained very little from this war. It left Vietnam a devastated nation. 1980s: Cultural Influence and Economic Policies. In 1980s there was economic boom. The existing market was advancing in age and was financially becoming stable. The society’s face changed demographically. People could live longer and seemed younger. New technologies replaced old ones or we can say that there was a technological change. These changes were celebrated by Richard Nixon and his wife with a fashionable clothes accompanied by social events that displayed affluence of American society (Minarik J. J. , 1990) During this time the whole world was in perpetual change for instance the USSR eased their roles and gave in to private enterprise the famous Berlin war came down and Western cloths found their way in eastern, countries. There were some economic policies that were posed by the government. For instance it states that when market lack the in information on the quality of assets as well as true value of an institutions net worth then potential for crisis increased. 1990s: Revival of Cold War Period and Reagan’s Ideas. In the 1980s the cold war came to an end the eastern block had suffered economically. The cold war period of 1985-1991 came back to life with the ascension of Mikhail Gorbachev to power in 1991. In the same year on December 31, the USSR broke into 15 separate nations and this marked the end of the cold war period. Conclusion. Having seen the effects of every action that has been done in America since 1945 and Judging by the way things stand currently, we can say that in the past ten years the politics of America will move to greater heights as the democrats and the republicans become more vibrant in addressing the things that are affecting the Americans right now. Culturally, Americans are very dynamic people who keep on inventing new ways of life. So, it is hard to predict what exactly will happen in the next ten years to come. But socially it seems people will be more integrated, interactive and united. Americans are social and interact with their fellow people in a positive manner and that is why America is a united nation. Reference: Halliwell M. , 2007: American Culture in the 1950’s. Edinburgh University Press, United Kingdom. Farber D. , 1994: The Age of Great Dreams America in the 1960s, 1st Edition. USA. Goodwin J. , 2001: No Other Way Out: States and Revolutionary Movement 1945-1991 Cambridge University Press P. 5 Suman K. and Bery G. F. 1997: Preventing Banking Sector Distress and Crises in Latin America; Proceedings on a Conference Held in Washington DC, World Bank. Minarik J. J. , 1990: Making America’s Budget Policies from the 1980’s to the 1990’s M. E. Sharpe. Murry C. , 1994: Loosing Ground; American Social Policy 1950- 1980, Basic Books 10th Anniversary Edition. Brad R. , 1991: Weapons Proliferation in the 1990s. MIT Press, Washington. Ciment J. , 2006: Postwar America: An Encyclopedia of Social Political Cultural and Economic History Sharpe New York. Sitkoff H. , 2000: Post War America a Student Companion, Oxford University Press. Leslie B. , 1995: The Cambridge History of Latin America, Cambridge University Press. Hardayal S. , 2001. Ambassadors of Culture. Princeton University Press. How to cite American experiences since 1945, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Of Social Environmental Innovationâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Explain How A Retail Chain Store Maintains Its Sustainable Practices Determine The Existing Contribution Of Woolworth Company Towards Environment And Community? What Is The Key Responsibility Of Woolworth Company Towards Employee, Customer, Suppliers, And Shareholder? Answer: Introduction In the present scenario, globalization has resulted in creating better growth and development opportunities for businesses. Furthermore, globalization has also supported companies to carry out free trade practices and have more efficient access to the latest and upgraded technology. However, it can be critically argued that along with the growth and development of many small and large organizations, challenges linked with exploitation of natural resources, increasing pollution and global warming have also raised to a great extent(McCarthy 2014). These problems have emerged as a threat to entire environment, societies and the people living in the same. Nowadays, businesses are encouraged to carry out their operations and activities by adopting sustainable practices. In simpler terms, sustainable practices can be defined as those activities which result in economic development without depletion of the environment and natural resources(Methner, Hamann Nilsson 2015). The concept of sustainability emphasizes on the integration of three major elements which are environmental, socio-political and economic sustainability. Nowadays many brands such as PepsiCo, Starbucks, Tesco, and General Electric have adopted the concept of carrying out sustainable business practices. The present research outlines the sustainable business practices adopted by Woolworth Company Australia. Furthermore, the objectives, methodology, and limitations of the study are also highlighted in this report. Project Objective The primary objective of the present research to identify the way in which a retail chain store maintains its sustainable business practices. To carry out in-depth and efficient analysis of the topic under investigation, Woolworth Company has been taken into consideration. The present report has outlined the way in which Woolworth is carrying out its business practices without damaging the environment and society. Another objective of the present research paper is to identify the contribution made by Woolworth in the development of the community. Apart from this, assessing the key responsibilities of the company towards its stakeholders is also the objective of this paper. Project Scope The present research paper has helped in understanding the way in which sustainable business practices are carried out by Woolworth Company. Here, different sources of data collection are taken into consideration to gather accurate, reliable and valid information. This study has helped in understanding the overall contribution made by Woolworth Company towards the growth and development of community within which it is carrying out its operations and activities. On the other side of this, the study has also supported in getting aware of the fact that at present, Woolworth Company is accomplishing its responsibilities towards all its stakeholders in the best possible manner. For example, the business emphasizes on delivering quality products and services to all its customers at very convenient prices. In addition to this, Woolworth Company provides equal and adequate growth opportunities to all its employees. Literature Review It can be expressed that over the past few years, the concept of sustainability has gained high popularity among businesses and organizations(Lawley, Birch Craig 2016). Furthermore, these practices can provide companies with real benefits which are essential for long-term growth and development. For example, adopting sustainable business practices allows companies to enhance their overall brand image and gain a competitive advantage over the other players operating in the marketplace(Klovien? Speziale 2015). The rationale behind this is that adoption of sustainable practices helps in developing a strong sense of satisfaction among people in the market. Further, individuals start perceiving that the company cares about society and environment under which it is operating. It acts as a strong motivational factor and encourages people in the market to purchase product and services from one particular company. However, it can be critically argued that adapting sustainable practices is not an easy task for organizations as there are various issues and challenges which businesses face(Klettner, Clarke Boersma 2014). For instance, enterprises are required to carry out changes in their existing systems, operations, practices, and it is not an easy task to perform. Companies can attract investors and employees by carrying out sustainable practices in the long run. People are more interested in investing their money in organizations which take care of society, community and environment(Nursey-Bray, Harvey Smith 2016). A company respect towards workers, stakeholders, and environment can be considered as a substantial factor which motivates investors to invest their money. On the contrary, it can be argued that measuring and reporting sustainability practices is quite challenging and arduous(Hughes, McEwan Bek 2015). Further, this acts as an obstacle in front of organizations regarding adopting sustainable practices. Nowadays, leading brands of the world have taken the initiative in protecting the community and environment through their business practices. It can be expressed that brand like Coca-cola is carrying out its sustainable practices through water stewardship program(Rajabian Tabesh, Batt Butler 2016). The company has been able to enhance its overall efficiency of water usage by 20%. On the other side of this, brand like General Electric is encouraging more and more engagement of employees through its sustainable practices(Hadjimichael Hegland 2016). A company like PepsiCo carries out sustainable business practices through encouraging stakeholder management. Here, meetings with the stakeholders are conducted by PepsiCo at regular intervals and discussions regarding climate change, public health issues and scarcity of resources are carried out. The concept of sustainable practices is also getting popular in countries such as Australia and many companies operating in the country have adopted these practices. Australian organizations such as Westpac Banking Corporation, Stockland, Insurance Australia Group, Woolworths Company, etc. have become very popular in the world because of their sustainable practices (Pro Bono Australia 2011). Woolworths Company has developed a sustainability plan, and the brand emphasizes on accomplishing its sustainability goals by the end of the year 2020. Woolworths Company has established twenty primary goals which are linked with corporate social responsibility and sustainability(Flax, Bick Abratt 2016). The vision of Woolworths Company is to make Australia healthy through its products and services. One of the primary goals of the organization is to ensure zero percent waste going into landfill. Apart from this, the company has introduced its packing brand to ensure effective recyclability of its packing material(Woolwoths Group 2017). Woolworths Company is also creating awareness among industry and people in the market to carry out more sustainable sourcing of products. At the same time, the retail chain is focusing on reducing its carbon emissions with a purpose to deal with the challenges linked to climate change. In the modern era, landfill form food waste has resulted in negatively damaging the entire environment(Shauki 2016). Furthermore, the government, stakeholders and regulatory authorities now encourage businesses to reduce their landfill and protect the environment in every possible manner(Dos Santos, Svensson Padin 2013). Woolworths Company has taken a step further in this program, and the brand is reducing its overall landfill through various strategies and practices. For example, the retail chain emphasizes on carrying out the reduction in its stock loss and enhancing its waste management practices. Woolworths Company has also developed a partnership with the local community, and now it is contributing a lot to regional support, food rescue and farmers. In today's cooperate scenario, attaining higher profits and increasing customer base cannot be considered as the core objectives of businesses(Bepari et al. 2016). Every company has certain roles and responsibilities towards society, and these responsibilities should be accomplished in the best possible manner. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) emphasize on the fact that every organization has some responsibility towards society, environment, and these responsibilities should not be neglected in any case. At present, CSR activity of Woolworths Company focuses on different areas to ensure the protection of environment, society, and stakeholders(Devin Richards 2016). For example, the company now emphasize on encouraging more diversity within its staff members. At the same time, the retail chain ensures that no form of discrimination is carried out by all employees. Woolworths Company does not encourage any pay gap between male and female employee working at same level (Woolworths Group 2017). On the other hand, the corporate social responsibility program of Woolworths also focuses on the areas such as developing long-term relations with all suppliers and carrying out more sustainable practices(Zutshi et al. 2016). Nowadays, the organization is looking forward to carrying out responsible souring of all raw material and products. Here, the company is looking forward to earning respect and trusts of all its customers (Woolworthsgroup 2017). The responsible sourcing practices of Woolworths focus on areas such as animal welfare along with sustainable sourcing of fish, seafood, and forestry products. These practices have supported the retail chain to develop a strong sense of satisfaction among all its internal and external stakeholders(Arli et al. 2013). The major focus of Woolworths CSR program is to develop positive relationships with all its suppliers and development of community under which it is operating. The company has been able to achieve leading customer satisfaction score in the entire industry because of its sustainable practices and corporate social responsibilities. It can be expressed that the company has also developed and launched The Good Business Journey Program in the year 2007. In this particular program, the business emphasized on four major areas which were climate change, social development, transformation, and environment(Akbar Ahsan 2014). The company established more than 200 targets linked with sustainability for the period of 2007 to 2013, and it is been able to accomplish the majority of these objectives. However, it can be critically argued that achieving those goals was not an easy task for Woolworths and the retail chain was required to place a lot of efforts and resources. For example, the organization encourages its investors, employees, NGOs and suppliers to become part of the five-year program. At the same time, an audit of suppliers was carried out on a frequent basis to ensure that the practices which they are carrying out are sustainable. In addition to this, a fair and transparent process of communication was used to render information to all stakeholders. Over the past one decade, the brand has been able to sell products which create little or almost zero harm to the environment and the local community(AO Dos Santos, Svensson Padin 2014). The practices and business operations of Woolworths are also focused on dealing with the issues and challenges faced by society. The supermarket retail chain has developed targets to reduce its carbon footprints, improving its energy efficiencies and it can be stated that it will able to achieve the same with efforts and corporation of all stakeholders. The major limitation of the earlier literature is that it focuses only on the companys point of view towards sustainable practices. The reviews and work of other researchers and studies were not taken into consideration to identify the way in which a retail chain store maintains its sustainable business practices. The previous emphasize only on the information presented in within the official website of Woolworths. Thus, it can be stated that there is an apparent gap in the literature about the sustainable practices adopted by Woolworths. Research design and methodology The research design is defined as the action plan or strategy which is employed by research to accomplish objectives and aim of a particular study. The use of appropriate research design assists a researcher in arranging various components of research in a logical and coherent manner. To identify how a retail chain carries out its sustainable practices, the exploratory design of research is selected by the researcher(Coleman 2013). The benefit of using exploratory research design is that it has supported in developing insight into the topic chosen for investigation. In the existing research paper, the use of exploratory research design has helped in identifying the different strategies and action plan adopted by Woolworth Company to carry out its corporate social responsibilities. The problem associated with present research has been identified more efficiently through the use of exploratory research design. The process of qualitative research begins with the development of general research questions linked to the study. In the second stage, different kinds of literature and secondary sources are selected in qualitative research. The third stage begins with the development of the conceptual framework and then the process of data collection is carried out(McNely, Spinuzzi Teston 2015). The analysis and interpretation of information collected are done through methods such as thematic analysis. After this, the final stage of writing findings or conclusion is carried out. The validity and reliability of research are ensured by selected authentic and reliable sources of data collection. Furthermore, nonprobabilistic sampling methods such as snowball sampling quota sampling and convenience sampling are used in qualitative research. Quantitative research can be termed as the form of research wherein numeric data or numbers are taken into consideration while collecting information about a particular topic. The primary objective of quantitative research is to test different theories and obtain valid outcomes. The process of quantitative research begins with the formulation of theory linked with the topic. Furthermore, a hypothesis is developed in the second stage of quantitative studies(Zhang 2013). After this, the researcher selects the most suitable research design, and then different independent and dependent variables of the study are identified. After this stage, sampling method and the sample size is selected, and then data is collected. Further, different types of tools such as SPSS are used to analyse and interpret the information gathered. At last, the conclusion is drawn by data analysed. In quantitative research, probabilistic sampling method such as stratified sampling, simple random sampling, cluster sampling and systematic sampling is taken into consideration. Research Limitations To carry out the present study, a limited amount of resources and time was available to the researcher, and this can be considered as the primary limitation of the present study. Furthermore, the data collected in the current research paper was also limited to secondary sources. Here, primary sources of data collection are not used, and this has affected the results of paper to a great extent. Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Writing Research Proposal Reading various literature Finalizing the aims and objectives Draft literature review Collect secondary data Analyze secondary data Develop research approach Draft research methodology Draft Findings Analyze data Writing down findings and conclusion Conclusion From the above-conducted research paper, it can be inferred that sustainable business practices have become essential for long-term growth and success of the organization. Furthermore, Woolworth Company has adopted different strategies and tools to carry out sustainable practices. At present, the brand has developed different sustainable objectives which it aims to accomplish by the end of the year 2020. The business has been able to accomplish its corporate social responsibilities in the best possible manner. For example, equal pay for employees is offered, and no form of discrimination is encouraged at the workplace. On the other side of this, Woolworth Company is also focusing on areas such as sustainable sourcing to reduce the negative impact of its business practices on the environment. Reference list Akbar, S Ahsan, K 2014, 'Analysis of corporate social disclosure practices of Australian retail firms.', International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, pp. 375-396. AO Dos Santos, M, Svensson, G Padin, C 2014, 'A fivefold bottom line approach of implementing and reporting corporate efforts in sustainable business practices. Management of Environmental Quality:', An International Journal , pp. 421-430. Arli, V, Dylke, S, Burgess, R, Campus, R Soldo, E 2013, ' Woolworths Australia and Walmart US: Best practices in supply chain collaboration. ', Journal of Economics, Business Accountancy Ventura, p. 16. Bepari, MK, Bepari, MK, Mollik, AT Mollik, AT 2016, 'Stakeholders interest in sustainability assurance process: An examination of assurance statements reported by Australian companies. 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